Thorough security check, several passes through the scanner, all your stuff opened into big trays to be x-rayed. The parents plane on United Airlines left about an hour and a half before ours. Right on schedule our Lufthansa flight took off to Frankfurt, Germany. It was a pretty crowded Airbus 380, but luckily we seemed to have scored one of the very few unoccupied seats beside us.
Unfortunately the people in front of us were very inconsiderate, and when they had their seats reclined for most of the ten-hour long flight, we had very little space. At some point, about two hours before touchdown, a woman asked if she could sit next to us because someone near her was coughing and sneezing throughout the entire flight. So we were even more cramped at the end. Anyway we landed on time and deplaned expecting Oma & Opa to be waiting at the gate. But they weren't. So we found our way to the other side of the airport where we were to make our connection to Bucharest, Romania, expecting to meet them somewhere along the way. Another security check. Opa & Oma were nowhere to be seen.
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