Friday, March 30, 2012

Heidi & Raider

Heidi & Raider have lots of work to do at home.  That's why they aren't going with us.
How to travel with a horse
Heidi atop Raider
Actually "travelling with a horse" means something a whole lot different than "travelling with a cat".  People don't usually travel on a cat. But Heidi travels on a horse, and she doesn't travel much without a horse.  So anyway, aside from having to go to school, she needs to stay home with her horse. 

OK - neither Ginger nor Twinky get to go

Bärbel's staying home too


Twinky wants to go too!  We've made sure our passports are in order.  The itinerary is set and reservations have been made.  All that remains are loose ends to be tied up, cats to pack, etc.  We set out for San Francisco on Easter Monday.                               
Bring enough food!


                                        How to Travel With a Cat

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Head East!

Map of our planned Danube River Cruise   
Maggie and I are getting ready to embark on our trip to Eastern Europe Bärbel and Heidi are staying home to hold down the fort.  I've read several books about traveling in Central Europe and along the Danube.  Lots of people have written about their travels up and down the (not so) Blue River.  We'll be going to Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Czech and (East) Germany I will probably try to compare this trip with one I made in 1985, when most of these places were behind the Iron Curtain; after a few days in Bucharest, Romania and Sophia, Bulgaria, went by train to Budapest, Hungary. 

Eames and Fermor 
A guy emulating Fermor

Rila Monastery Bulgaria 1985
Yeah, That's me on the left in Sofia Bulgaria 1985